Sunday, December 13, 2015

Big Change Coming to the Library

The MCHS Library is about to be GENRIFIED!

That's right. We are arranging our Fiction section like a bookstore - by genre. Most of the questions I get from students are:
"Do you have any romance books?" 
"I'm looking for a scary book." 
"Where are the fantasy books?" 

With limited time between classes to find a book, I think this would be much easier and faster for you to navigate. However, I must warn you now that this project is HUGE and will take months to complete. We have to re-label every single book in the fiction section, THEN change the information in our system. Be prepared for stacks of books on tables and a little bit of chaos. If you have trouble finding something, as always, just ask. :)

So far, this is the genre list I have in mind. 

1.     Horror
2.     Mystery/ Thriller
3.     Romance
4.     Action/Adventure
5.     Humor
6.     Fantasy
7.     Science Fiction
8.     Realistic Fiction
9.     Historical Fiction
10.  Sports
11.  War (white)
12.  Classic Fiction
13.  Supernatural (?)
14.  Graphic Novels

I am still having some trouble committing to certain genres entirely, because we have so many books that are considered "genre blenders." For instance, would Twilight be romance, fantasy, or do I need to create a supernatural genre section?  Books with werewolves and vampires - do they fall under the fantasy category with dragons and wizards? Realistic fiction with a dash of magic - do they still go into realistic fiction or are they considered fantasy? The brain - it hurts.

But truly - nothing is permanent and changes can be made, books can be moved. As always, please provide your feedback and let us know what you think! If you don't like where a book is placed, make your case. It's your library, after all. 

December Raffle - Win a Series!

Come by the Media Center and purchase a $1.00 raffle ticket. If your ticket is drawn on Thursday, you will win the ENTIRE Maze Runner series! 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Library Survey

MCHS Students, please take this short survey and let us know how we can make our library better. :)

Join Our MCHS Book Club!

Hey nerds!

If you didn't already know (via Twitter, Instagram, Remind, or announcements), we have started a book club for students at MCHS. Our first meeting was held in November, where we chose our first book. We will be reading The Way We Bared Our Souls, by Willa Strayhorn.  A few members of our precious faculty offered to purchase a few copies of the book for us, so if you are unable to acquire a copy on your own, come check one out. :) 

Our next meeting will be held on December 14th from 3:15-4:15. All you have to do to join the book club is read the book and show up!  Food and refreshments are welcome, if anyone has something yummy to bring and share.


Author Event at MCHS

Last night Ms. Jodi McDaniel Lowery came to the MCHS library to talk about her book, Eula.  Eula Elrod was the first woman in the state of Georgia to be sentenced to the electric chair, and she was born and raised here in Chatsworth.

We had a wonderful crowd of students and community members, and I am so grateful to all who attended. A special thank you to Ms. Lowery for donating two copies of Eula to our library, and for making time to come visit and share Eula's story with us.