Sunday, December 13, 2015

Big Change Coming to the Library

The MCHS Library is about to be GENRIFIED!

That's right. We are arranging our Fiction section like a bookstore - by genre. Most of the questions I get from students are:
"Do you have any romance books?" 
"I'm looking for a scary book." 
"Where are the fantasy books?" 

With limited time between classes to find a book, I think this would be much easier and faster for you to navigate. However, I must warn you now that this project is HUGE and will take months to complete. We have to re-label every single book in the fiction section, THEN change the information in our system. Be prepared for stacks of books on tables and a little bit of chaos. If you have trouble finding something, as always, just ask. :)

So far, this is the genre list I have in mind. 

1.     Horror
2.     Mystery/ Thriller
3.     Romance
4.     Action/Adventure
5.     Humor
6.     Fantasy
7.     Science Fiction
8.     Realistic Fiction
9.     Historical Fiction
10.  Sports
11.  War (white)
12.  Classic Fiction
13.  Supernatural (?)
14.  Graphic Novels

I am still having some trouble committing to certain genres entirely, because we have so many books that are considered "genre blenders." For instance, would Twilight be romance, fantasy, or do I need to create a supernatural genre section?  Books with werewolves and vampires - do they fall under the fantasy category with dragons and wizards? Realistic fiction with a dash of magic - do they still go into realistic fiction or are they considered fantasy? The brain - it hurts.

But truly - nothing is permanent and changes can be made, books can be moved. As always, please provide your feedback and let us know what you think! If you don't like where a book is placed, make your case. It's your library, after all. 

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